Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

2 Peter 1:4

“God is so big, so very big,” explained a father to his young son. He demonstrated what he meant by spreading his hands apart as far as they could go. Then he continued, “God is bigger than you can imagine, much bigger than this whole field, bigger than all of Iowa, bigger than the whole world. He is bigger than the sky and all the stars. So, so big!”

The youngster sat in awe, thinking about the vastness of his Creator. He was trying to wrap his mind around that thought. His mind was working on it, trying comprehend it but having a difficult time of it. Suddenly he turned to his dad and asked, “But Dad, how can God fit in our heart if He is so big?” “Good question,” his Dad replied, “but God is in our heart.” After another pause, the child spoke again. “If God is in our heart, and He’s so big, He must stick out all over the place!”

Many years ago there used to be a TV show called “Kids say the darndest things.” This is one of those moments, but the truth of it is rather profound. Does God stick out all over the place in our lives? Do others see God influencing everything we do? Could those who are around us say without hesitation that God is in our heart? Though He very well may be “in our heart,” we have a tendency to try to hide that fact when we’re out in public. There is an intentional choice we have to make. Let the Son shine into every aspect of our life, then everyone will notice the glory of God emanating from our hearts. We need to spread the glory, share the news, and never be ashamed of Christ.

When Christ is truly Lord, when He so fills us with God’s glory, serving Him becomes natural to us. It becomes normal, second nature. Let us take the mind of Christ, daily, and allow His nature to take over in us.