For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind (discipline)!  1 Timothy 1:7

As the Coronavirus cases spread across the United States, fear, verging on panic is also spreading.  Hearing about it 24/7 on the “virus news outlets” is not helping the situation either.  What should our response be as Christians?

First and foremost, we have what so many others don’t have – we have Christ.  God is bigger than this virus and, so our first line of defense is to go to God in prayer.  Paul reminds us that God has not given us a spirit of fear.  Why is this important?  Because fear is a spiritual weapon that Satan often uses to get our eyes, hearts and minds off of God and His ability to care for us.  When we feel that sense of fear rising in us, we need to remember that fear is not coming from God, and we need to “demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ”  2 Corinthians 10:5.  So we need to pray, asking God to fill us will a sense of peace because we have the spirit of power, and this comes from His Holy Spirit.  What a wonderful testimony we can be to those around us who are so fearful.

Secondly, God has given us a spirit of love that we need to put into action, especially during a time of uncertainty for so many.  Love for one another – let us take the time to reach out to one another, checking in by phone, seeing how everyone is doing and pray for one another. Love for our neighbor – for people that we have been intentionally building relationships with and others that God brings to our minds, let’s reach out to them in love and encouragement and let them know that we are praying for them too.  It is often during these times of fear and uncertainty that people are open to hear about the One who can help them (kind of like being in a fox hole).

Thomas George, our District Superintendent wrote: “The church has always been on the front lines of many of these types of outbreaks, caring for people, loving them and providing for them.  In fact, fear of becoming ill opens doors to speak about things that people would not speak about before, like fear, anxiety and life’s unpredictability. This is a great opportunity to speak about our Lord who is sufficient.”

Thirdly, we read that God has given us a spirit of a sound mind, (or a spirit of self-discipline).  Practically speaking, we need to be wise in taking care of ourselves.  They say “cleanliness is next to godliness.”  It is a fact that cleanliness is important, so washing of hands – often – is going to be very important.  

Are we going to be canceling church?  No. We are, however, implementing the following things at the church so that we can provide a safe environment to come together, to worship the Lord and to love and encourage one another.

1. Since hand sanitizers are virtually impossible to get at this point, we would encourage you, if you have your own, to bring them with you and use them.

2. Hand washing often, while at the church, is the best method of cleanliness (more so even than hand sanitizers).

3. If you feel uncomfortable with it, avoid hand shaking and hugging.

4. We will be making sure we spray down all the tables and chairs in our S.S. classrooms with disinfectant.

5. We will be putting some extra space between chairs in the sanctuary.

6. We will not be passing the offering plate, since this too is a method of passing germs from one to another. We will, however, have the offering plates in the back of the sanctuary and will be praying for the offering at the end of the service so as we walk out, we can place our offerings in the plates.  Offering is still an important part of our worship to God as we do this to thank Him for His continued blessings that He pours out on us.  Giving online is certainly appropriate, either by using the app (green) or going to our website: and clicking on the “Donate” link.  Another viable method of giving (with no fees attached) is to set up a recurring direct withdrawal from your bank account to the church.

7. On Communion Sunday (first Sunday of the month), we will change the format slightly and rather that passing the communion trays down the rows, we will be walking up to the front to  individually take our bread and cup from the Elders.  This too, will lessen the possibility of passing germs one to the other.

8. If you or your children are not feeling well, please take care of yourself at home out of concern for others.  At the same time, please let us know if you are not well so we, as a family, can pray for you.

9. We are looking into the possibility of live-streaming our services so, if you do feel you need to remain at home, you can still participate with your family as we worship the Lord together.

Let us hold each other up, encourage one another, and above all, Pray!