We are the church
The church is not a building we go to or an experience we attend. The church is people, a living, growing organism, a family.
At Scio, we strive to be a community of grace, an outpost of the kingdom of God, a witness to a different way to be human. In the context of this community centered around Jesus Christ, discipleship and mission can develop as we learn together to die to ourselves.
We gather to worship God, to share stories of how we have seen him working, and to exhort and encourage each other.
We scatter, empowered by the Holy Spirit, into our everyday spheres of life — work, school, leisure — as ambassadors of reconciliation and agents of the kingdom of Jesus, looking for the ways in which God is already at work, and joining him in blessing those around us.
No spectators
All of us have received gifts and talents we seek to exercise to build each other up and bless those around us. All of us submit to one another as we submit to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the head of the church. None of us is more important than any other.
Some serve as elders: Erik Carlson, Phil Carlson, Tom Gibson, Ben Muto, Lewis Scherdt, and Dave Smit. Contact the elders
Some serve as deacons: Jackie Wentz and Evan Carlson. Contact the deacons
Meet the pastor

Jeffery Norris joined us at Scio as our interim pastor in September 2024. Jeff is officially serving Scio through Interim Pastor Ministries (IPM), an organization that provides seasoned pastors to help guide churches during transition between pastors. Jeff has been lead pastor in C&MA churches in Pennsylvania, and West Virginia and served as the District Superintendent for the Western Pennsylvania District of the C&MA for 12 years.
Welcome, Jeff!