What was so important about the announcement of a baby being born in Bethlehem that thousands of angels showed up as well as the very presence of God?
We know the story of Christmas and what took place there in Bethlehem. But what was going through the mind of Jesus as He entered into our world...the night before…
If someone hurts us, do we really have to forgive them? Is it really that important?
If we really love one another, we must approach each other in love when sin is evident. How do we do that well?
What is our responsibility to fellow believers? Do we really have to watch out for them?
How serious does God consider sin? And how serious is He about not enticing another believer into sin?
Why do we have to enter the Kingdom of Heaven as little children? What's that all about?
If our citizenship is now in heaven and we are only "travelers and foreigners" in the world, why should we be concerned about being good citizens on earth?
Faith the size of a mustard seed...What's that all about? What size faith must I have if I haven't moved a mountain?
The Mount of Transfiguration is the greatest testimony to the Deity of Christ in all of Scripture. We look at 5 proofs.