Praying together is a spiritual discipline which connects us to each other and helps form us into the people God intends us to be.
Intercession is more than mentioning someone in prayer; it's prayer with particularity and passion where the pray-er "stands in the gap" for the prayed-for. (Due to technical issues, the first minute was not recorded.)
Jesus has asked us to seek him out and present our needs to Him. When we do this, we will find a Jesus full of power, a Jesus overflowing with compassion, a Jesus ready to respond.
When we know the heart of God, we discover that unanswered prayer is another unexpected blessing from God. (Apologies for the technical issues which caused gaps in the first few minutes of the recording.)
What matters is not the size of our faith, but where it's placed. And when our faith is rightly placed, nothing is impossible for us.
Prayer isn't about simply finding the steps and getting it down. It is a life-long process of learning.
God has given us one of the best possible foundations on which to build our prayer life: the Scriptures.