God has invited us to His banquet. What have you done with the invitation - accepted or rejected it?
Jesus said, "All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me." Have we submitted ourselves to that authority?
What was the point of Jesus cursing an out of season fig tree that had no fruit? There were two powerful lessons to be taught, one to Israel and one…
Jesus cleanses the temple a second time. How does that relate to us as temples of the Holy Spirit.
There is a way to be great in the kingdom of God, but it's not the way the world would do it.
Why did Jesus need to go up to Jerusalem at this moment, and why did He predict the unfolding events of His death?
"The first shall be last and the last first." Really? That doesn't sound fair! What is Jesus saying about the justice of God?
Is it true that it is impossible for the rich to be saved? That's what Jesus said. "But," you may say, "that just doesn't seem fair!"