A sanctified life must effect our speech in four different ways, and Paul tells us how.
If our hearts and lives are truly sanctified, that will also be expressed by what and how we speak.
Sanctification needs to work out of our personal life to the relationships in the family, then out to the rest of the world.
God has provided a way for husbands and wives to have a blessed marriage if they would understand the relationship between Christ and His church.
How does Sanctification play out in our relationships at home...and what in the world is 'submission' all about?
What does sanctification look like and how does that relate to the treatment of one another?
Is Sanctification a once and one thing, or do we have a role to play in it? What is sanctification all about?
How serious is God about our sin? He says "Kill it!" As we keep our eyes set on things above, we are to kill those old sinful desires.
How setting our hearts and minds on things above sets the tone for everything else in our life.
How complete are we in Christ? What did He really accomplish? Believing this, we should not be intimidated by human philosophy or legalism.