Jesus Christ is exalted against the evil backdrop of the horrible death of Judas.
The greatest gift ever offered by God is the forgiveness of sin. What do we learn from Peter's denials?
Be overwhelmed by the Grace of Christ as He bears the most illegal and unjust trial every perpetrated on an innocent man - for you.
In a moment of seeming defeat as Jesus get's arrested, we actually see His power and control over everthing.
Why is Jesus referred to as the "Man of Sorrows" in Isaiah? The Garden of Gethsemane brings out the profundity of that title.
During the Christmas season, we celebrate the babe born in a manger. But who really is this Christmas child?
The response the shepherds had to the message of the Good News of Great Joy is a wonderful illustration for us of how we should respond to that same message.
What was the Good News about Jesus and why did the angel announce it first to the shepherds?
God moves heaven and earth as He orchestrates the world setting, the national setting and the personal setting for His Son to be born in Bethlehem.
The first step in strength is to learn how really weak we are. That's the lesson Jesus taught His disciples.