Jesus promised His disciples that they see Him come in His glory before they died. How's that even possible? What an amazing glimpse they were in for!
Denying yourself, bearing the cross and obeying....that doesn't sound like fun at all! What's that all about. Do we, as disciples, really need to do that?
Why did Jesus turn to Peter and say, "Get behind me, Satan!"? "You are a stumbling block to me." Can we be stumbling blocks to Jesus?
What is the rock upon which Christ builds His church and what does that look like?
Everyone will need to answer the ultimate question sooner or later. What is your answer?
Everyone is either blind and will never see, or blind and who will be made to see. How is that possible and what are the characteristics?
In the feeding of the 4,000, Jesus demonstrates His compassion for those outside "God's Chosen People."
Guest speaker, Rev. Donald Smith, shares how the church should understand and respond to the ethnic division the country is experiencing.
Jesus explains what really makes a person unclean in God's eyes.