What made John the Baptist the greatest man up to that time, and why are we greater?
What do we do when we doubt God? Are we sinning? There is only one solution.
Jesus came to bring both sword and reward via the true disciple. What are we willing to forsake for the sake of the reward?
Am I a genuine displace of Christ? What does confessing or denying Christ mean?
Jesus knew that following Him was not going to be easy, but we are not to be afraid, and here's why.
God's perfect motive provided God's perfect gift, and there is only one requirement to receive the rewards!
Some Christmas gifts are difficult to wrap. How in the world does God wrap His indescribable gift to the world?
When we become a Christian, we are, in effect, saying: "I choose to be a learner of the Lord Jesus Christ and to submit to whatever He asks of me."
Jesus honestly warns His disciples (and therefore us) about what it's going to be like as they go into the world to share the love of Christ - and it's…