Jesus' healing of the paralytic was proof that He had the authority to forgive sin.
Matthew continues to present Jesus as the King/Messiah showing that He has power and authority over the unseen forces of the supernatural world, the demonic.
The power and authority Jesus displays to calm a furious storm reminds us that Jesus is in our boat as well and can calm any "storm" that we may be…
There is a cost to following Jesus, and Jesus wants a willingness to give up everything to follow him and love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
Jesus' divine power was on display as the lowly, the outcaste and those who were looked down upon received the gracious touch of the Master as He opened up the…
Just as the man with leprosy came to Jesus (unthinkable!), we too can come to Jesus with the awfulness of our sin, and He will be willing to touch us…
The story of how Gideon answered the Lord's call, with trepidation at first, and grew into a "mighty warrior".
Jesus gives a sobering and shocking illustration of who will be accepted as true Christians in the end, and who will be turned away.
After telling us there is only one way, the narrow gate, to heaven, Jesus strongly warns of the subtle and deceptive false prophets who are directing people to the broad…