If God chose us from the foundation of the world, we can be sure he will complete what he’s started in us. We can also live with assurance because he has guaranteed us an inheritance with him sealed by the Holy Spirit.
What a privilege to be chosen by God to be rescued from a certain destiny in hell. Not only did he rescue us from eternal anguish, but he decided ahead of time to adopt us into his family – and it was all by his grace!

The Good Shepherd

December 31, 2017
Jesus is the good shepherd: the rightful leader of humanity and the only source of true life.

The Light of the World

December 24, 2017
Jesus came to shine a light in a dark world that had forgotten and rejected him. Now he’s given us the same task to continue shining the light.

Stuck in a Manger?

December 17, 2017
Was Jesus really born in a manger with the animals in a stable out back behind in an inn? As we dig deeper, we see God’s provision, love, and preciseness for our lives.

Who We Are In Christ

November 26, 2017
We are new creations in Christ. How should knowing who I am in Christ, affect the way I live my life for him?
We often are satisfied with where we are in our knowledge of Christ. Knowing Christ, however, is a lifelong process. The more we know Jesus, the fuller our life becomes and the more we can be used by him.
God desires us to seek Him with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. If we remove the things that keep us from seeking to know the Lord, God will bless, protect, and guide us, just as he did for King Asa.