God’s Provisions

November 20, 2016
This passage gives us a glimpse of how God provided far more than the people expected from the King's ruling regarding the rebuilding of the Temple.

Keep Calm and Carry On

November 6, 2016
Despite another attempt to obstruct the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem, through their faith in God and belief in their righteous cause, the people keep calm and carry on.

Getting Unstuck

October 30, 2016
After fifteen years of the people not building the Temple, God sent Haggai and Zechariah to get them unstuck and back to the work.

The Challenge of Opposition

October 23, 2016
Like the work of rebuilding the Temple, every good work for the Lord will be opposed by Satan and his hosts.

A Rebuilt Foundation

October 16, 2016
Laying the foundation for the rebuilt Temple led to an all-out celebration to God for His goodness.