Small Hopes

March 27, 2016
The risen Christ meets us in our grief and confusion, calls us by name, and invites us into his work of new creation.


March 20, 2016
Fullness of life comes by seeking the approval of God rather than the approval of others. (Due to technical problems, several minutes at the beginning and in the middle of this message were not recorded.)


March 13, 2016
God wants to change us into people who are free from envy and instead act out of love for others.
When we put even good things in place of our relationship with God, we miss out on the best that God has for us.


February 28, 2016
Only in God himself and in God working through the community of people empowered by his Spirit will we find the connection and intimacy we were made for.


February 21, 2016
Sloth is a slow spiritual death, affecting both the lazy and the over-busy. Instead, let us diligently pursue what God has called us to do, submitting to the Holy Spirit transforming us.


February 14, 2016
We are called to be meek people, for the meek will inherit the earth. Let us get rid of anger before the devil gains a foothold.