How does Sanctification play out in our relationships at home...and what in the world is 'submission' all about?
What is the spiritual significance of the resurrection of Christ? Was it really about Him, or was it all about us?
When the earth went dark for 3 hours, where was God? Did He really forsake His beloved Son? What happened in the dark?
What does sanctification look like and how does that relate to the treatment of one another?
Is Sanctification a once and one thing, or do we have a role to play in it? What is sanctification all about?
How serious is God about our sin? He says "Kill it!" As we keep our eyes set on things above, we are to kill those old sinful desires.
How setting our hearts and minds on things above sets the tone for everything else in our life.
Just as Christ forgave and restored by His grace, we too, with the same grace are to offer forgiveness and seek reconciliation with one another.
The Church has been and continues to be intimidated by the philosophies of the world, but the Apostle Paul warns us that we are not to be intimidated...for good reason!