An Oracle Within

November 1, 2009
Gratitude grows out of the fear of God, for it enables us to glimpse the overwhelming love, faithfulness, righteousness, and justice of God, and it opens us up to be moved by his intimate touch.

Standing Firm

October 11, 2009
Rehearsing God's work in the past enables us to live in gratitude in the present and with hope for the future.

Benefit Package

October 4, 2009
Gratitude grows within us when we look at this world through a lens of praise.


September 27, 2009
Grateful people are those who realize how good the grace is that we have received from God.


September 13, 2009
Those who are at home in the kingdom of God live lives marked by gratitude and generosity.


September 6, 2009
As those who receive God's generosity, we are called to give generously of what we have received.

Critical Choices

August 30, 2009
We are tempted to choose other gods when it is convenient, but there is only one choice to make: serve God!