How complete are we in Christ? What did He really accomplish? Believing this, we should not be intimidated by human philosophy or legalism.
What does being "complete in Christ" really mean. What a freeing truth if we can truly wrap our minds around this concept!
Every person is either captured by philosophy or complete in Christ. Where are you?
Paul lays out 5 goals that God has for His church (and for us as individual believers).
What does it mean to 'strengthen your heart?' To be strong emotionally or strong in your mind...and why is that important?
Salvation came from God, through His Son, to us. God's love, mercy, sovereignty and providence made it happen. An amazing gift!!
People often celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born, but fail to ask why He was born. There are five profound reasons why He was born.
There is an amazing truth hidden in the names of Zechariah and Elizabeth when Gabriel appeared to announce the birth of John.
We are told to proclaim "The Mystery" that was hidden. What in the world is that all about?