He Prayed the Prayer

January 13, 2008
God invites us into an intimate relationship that is built on and strengthened by continual prayer.

The Power of Touch

June 10, 2007
God is responsive to true faith, which is rooted in a relationship of trust in the goodness and authority of Christ, as we see in three intertwined stories from the Gospel according to Mark.

Free at Last!

April 15, 2007
We have the privilege of offering to others, not a new law, but a new life — one freed from sin's hold over them.

Live It Forward!

April 8, 2007
Living it forward is living as those who, in the present, see and experience the future of God through his promises and through the resurrection life of Jesus.

Faith and Storms

February 11, 2007
Those who live in the Kingdom of God will face storms, but they will do so with the presence of Jesus, who is the source of courage.