God invites us to participate in his story of building his kingdom and protecting his people through prayer.
The real authority of Jesus is demonstrated in his power over sin and all its effects.
We are called to prepare ourselves and those around us to receive something even better than forgiveness — the Holy Spirit.
Following Jesus is easy when our inner being is transformed to be like his, but impossible otherwise.
Joe Sazyc, director of the Intercessory Mission of Pastors' Alliance for County Transformation (IMPACT), speaks about the importance of prayer in light of Jesus' immanent return.
God's plans for his people (and therefore for the world) are even woven into a decidedly secular world. We are called to play a part in His story that is unfolding.
We are often in danger of losing sight of the story, but God reasserts himself as the sole story teller.
We are tempted to see the obstacles we currently face as the barrier which will finally prove too great for God to overcome, but even after failure, God's purposes continue.
We tend to seeing God as playing a part in our story, but God is invites us instead to enter into his story and join in what he is already at work doing.