When we seek healing, we need to come, as with our salvation, to the foot of the cross.
God calls us beyond our culture's enslavement to coveting. He calls us to a contentment not based on what we have or don't have, but rather on who has captured your heart.
Our culture sees truth as being of limited value, but Jesus Christ is forming a people who live in and by the truth.
God invites us to abandon malice and interact with others lovingly and respectfully, recognizing the value of life.
Our culture increasingly sees the elderly as the least valuable members of society, but God calls us to abandon the crushing pursuit of our own honor at the expense of others.
In the Sabbath, God invites us into a practice which symbolizes our freedom and our trust.
The world needs to see a people who honor the name of the Lord with their lips and with their lives.
Like the Israelites of old, we are tempted to try to make God into something predictable and controllable, but God invites us instead into a growing relationship of discovery.