What does it mean to be a faithful servant? Who sets the parameters and what are they?
There is only one possible way for mankind to be reconciled to God. What was God's plan, the means, the aim and the evidence of reconciliation?
God said, "I created the world 6,000 years ago." Evolutionists say, "No He didn't. It evolved over the past 500 million years." Is God lying?
If we don't believe in the supremacy of Christ, our faith is based on sifting sands. But what does the supremacy of Christ really mean?
Giving thanks for our inheritance, our deliverance and our transference to God's kingdom.
God's desire is that we know His will. Is that really possible? How is the possible and for what purpose?
The Gospel is more than hearing the Good News of Jesus, it should change us move us to action. What's the truth of the Gospel Truth?
When we focus on people and their successes outside the church, it can be discouraging. But what happens when we are near God?
Faith is not an idea, concept, or good feeling. Faith is a long distance grueling race that we must run with courage with a wonderful prize at the end!
True faith is courageous in the face of trials, difficulties and even death. True faith is marked by obedience to the voice of God.