We gather every Sunday at 10:45 AM for worship on Facebook Live! https://www.facebook.com/sciocommunity/
Scio Community Church meets in Scio Township, on the west side of Ann Arbor, Michigan, just north of I-94.
From I-94, take the Zeeb Road exit (exit #169).
Travel north on Zeeb about one half mile.
The church building will be on your left.

What is the atmosphere like at Scio Community Church?
There is a casual atmosphere where anyone and everyone will fit in. Comfortable dress is encouraged. On Sunday morning, a greeter will meet you at the door and direct you to the various ministry opportunities which exist for all ages.
What about the worship style?
We have a “blended” worship style. This means our worship celebrations are intended to draw from the rich variety of practices in the Church worldwide and throughout history and blend them together into a celebration which honors God and engages the whole person in worshiping him.
What happens when there is Communion?
We celebrate Communion (also called the Lord’s Supper and the Eucharist) on the first Sunday of every month. All those who have taken Jesus as their Savior and Lord are welcome to join with us at his table. Our usual custom is for each participant to take a portion of the bread (usually matzoh) as it is distributed, but wait until all have been served so that all can take it at the same time. We do the same with the cup (usually grape juice).
What do you believe about…?
Our central beliefs are summarized in our statement of faith. If you have a specific question that is not addressed on this website, feel free to contact us.
What in the world is a “Scio”? How is it pronounced?
The name of our church comes from the community (Scio Township) where our building is located. It is pronounced sigh-oh, as in “science”. The origins of the name are debated, but it most likely is derived from the name of a Greek island.